Keywords Used Most Often By People Looking for Caterers Online

Below you will find a list of keywords that your potential customers type into Google to find catering service providers in your area.

Please note:

#1 The list is sorted starting from the keywords that are searched for the most often listed at the top.
#2 Specific search volumes for the specific terms will vary based on your particular location.
#3 For each keyword, you should add your main location to the end of the keyword. E.g. “catering in Dallas, Texas” or “vegan catering in Dallas, Texas”, when targeting a keyword with a page.
#4 Some keywords might not be relevant to your business.
#5 If this doesn’t seem like something you want to do, we offer all of this as a part of our service. Get in touch with us through this form and we will get back to you if we think that we could add serious value to your business.

Catering Keywords

KeywordSearch volumeDifficulty to rank
wedding cateringHighMedium
corporate cateringHighMedium
lunch cateringHighEasy
mexican cateringMediumEasy
bbq cateringMediumEasy
breakfast cateringMediumEasy
sandwich cateringMediumEasy
buffet cateringMediumEasy
cheap cateringMediumEasy
ice cream cateringMediumEasy
indian food cateringMediumEasy
chinese cateringMediumEasy
gourmet cateringMediumMedium
catering menusMediumMedium
food truck cateringMediumMedium
finger food cateringMediumMedium
coffee cateringMediumMedium
funeral cateringMediumMedium
appetizer cateringLowEasy
graduation party cateringLowEasy
office cateringLowEasy
holiday cateringLowEasy
vegan cateringLowEasy
dessert cateringLowEasy
taco cateringLowEasy

Here are some samples from my research:

1. Example of a high-difficulty keyword

Although my keyword research tool tells me that the keyword has a “Medium” difficulty, it is actually hard to rank for this term, compared to other catering keywords.

Having said that, this is also the most lucrative keyword and something you want to end up ranking for. Also, depending on your specific location, your local keyword might have much less competition than Dallas.

2. Example of a medium-difficulty keyword

Wedding catering is more specific and because of that, has fewer searches and also less competition.

Despite having less search volume, ranking for this keyword can be extremely lucrative, as you would be getting 10s of people each month asking for a quote for wedding catering services.

As you are well aware of, this could lead to $10,000++ in additional revenue for you.

3. Example of a low-difficulty keyword

Now, if you offer even more specific types of catering, you could find easy-to-rank keywords like the example above.

Being mindful of this and taking the steps that I’ve outlined below, will make help you in getting a consistent and predictable flow of interested customers asking for a quote from you.

Bonus: Keywords for Blog Topics

Here are some keywords that you could create for your blog section.

#1 Costs of Catering Depending on Your Number of Guests

Write a blog article on how to estimate the total catering costs, depending on how many guests are going to be attending. When putting the article together, it would be beneficial to add subheadings that

#2 How much does wedding catering cost?

Similar to #1 – a search term with a lot of interest. If you create a good blog article, targeting this very question, you will stand to win a good amount of organic traffic and potential customers to your website.

PS! Don’t forget to add a call to action to the end of the article for the reader to get in touch with you.

#3 Best Catering Company in [CITY]

People are searching for this type of keyword in your area and if you write a blog post listing either different catering providers or talking about why you think your company is the best catering company in your area, you will have high odds of attracting people to your site and opting for your services.

PS! When also listing your competitors, I would recommend that you do not link out to them.

#4 Wedding Food Ideas

A simple list of wedding catering food ideas with pictures of your own options would be a great blog post that would familiarize your target audience with the menus that you serve while also

#5 Questions to Ask Your Wedding Caterer

This is a good blog topic idea that will help you build trust with the potential client while also giving them advice on the important things they should consider and ask when choosing a service provider.

PS! Based on our experience, blog articles convert 5-10 times less than actual service pages. So make sure that you’ve perfected your service pages first, before working on blog articles.

What to do with the keywords?

In order to start getting a consistent stream of customers asking for a quote for their event, here are my recommendations on what to do next:

You don’t have to do it all, but the more you do, the more traffic and clients you will get.

#1 Make dedicated service pages to target each keyword

I highly recommend that you create a dedicated page to target the particular keyword for your main location.

When creating these pages, make sure they have at least 50% unique content on them.

#2 Add the main keyword to the most important places on those new pages

The most important places are:
1. The URL, e.g.
2. The Title e.g. Wedding Catering in Dallas, Texas
3. In the content, the higher up on the page, the better.
4. In the meta title and descriptions.

#3 Add internal links to the new pages from your other pages

If you have a relevant spot, it would be highly beneficial to add an internal link from any of your other pages to the new pages.

This will help the new pages rank faster and higher.

#4 Create external backlinks to the new pages

If you are operating in a location that has medium to high competition, you might need to build links to the new pages to get to the top 3 or the #1 spot for your city.

Building external links is one of the most effective ways to actually get to the top of Google, but everything listed above is what you’ll need for the links to actually work.

This is it.

If you actually go through the steps and take action on the keywords, you will get more clients and sales.

If you have any questions about what has been said above, feel free to reach out to me

Also, if you’d like us to do all of this and more for you, apply to work with us through this link.

Either way, have an amazing day!