Link Building For Accountants – Which Strategies Are Working in 2024?

With more than 46,000 registered accounting firms in the US alone, it’s safe to say that there’s healthy competition in the accounting industry. And that’s a good thing. Competition drives innovation and quality service. But with so many accounting firms to choose from, the question arises: Why would any firm choose your services over another? … Read more

The 10 Main Benefits of Link Building in 2024

Link building has been and always will be one of the most critical strategies in the digital marketing toolbox. When done right, it has a chain effect on your website’s success and lasting value that helps your business grow. It puts cash in your pocket (if your site is monetized) and is way more effective … Read more

Link Building Statistics 2024 – The Stats That Matter

Link Building statistics

It’s been an interesting year for SEO, with the latest and greatest Google algorithm update doing some serious cleaning up. And we at Batlinks say Bravo!  We’re all for websites that rank well for producing top-notch, useful content coupled with a smart link-building strategy. And that’s the focus of this blog article – Giving you … Read more

How to Buy Backlinks Effectively in 2024

how to buy backlinks

So you’ve read a few articles about good SEO practices and understand the value that high-Quality Backlinks can add to your website. And now you’re venturing into the world of link building and offered the opportunity to pay for backlinks. What now? Is it legal? Should you do it? Do you buy just a few … Read more

Link Building For Affiliate Sites – Which Strategies Are Working in 2024?

Link building is a process in search engine optimization (SEO) that involves getting other websites to link to your website.  These links, also known as backlinks or inbound links, act as “votes of confidence” for your website, indicating to search engines that your site is valuable and trustworthy.  Link building is important because search engines, … Read more